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PEERsuaders working through COVID-19 Coronavirus

Life challenges us with obstacles which we must all work through, and the PEERsuaders continue to adapt, improvise, and overcome everything life throws at them.

Just a few weeks ago, we didn’t use phrases such as “shelter-in-place” or “social distancing.” However, for the time being, they have become a way of life.

Even in this period, the PEERsuaders meet regularly, but instead of meeting in person, they have begun using Zoom videoconferencing.

“This current situation is forcing people to become familiar with technologies which they may have already known exist, but were unfamiliar with,” David Green, Internet Outreach Coordinator for

More Than Conquerors, Inc. explains.

“However, these young men and women, like the rest of society, is learning how to use them. I expect that this is going to open more doors for them (and for everyone else) and will probably affect the “normal” way things are done moving forward, both here, and for society, in general.”

The students have their materials and workbooks and worth through them in their teleconferences, which have proven to be very helpful in facilitating their discussions and their learning, as they continue their mission of helping others develop healthy relationships in each others’ lives.

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