Recently South Cobb High School had an event called “Reality U” and MTCI was asked to teach 4 classes. We taught a class called “Love vs Infatuation ” where students to distinguish between the two.
Reality U is a 1-day financial literacy event targeting high school students and helping them understand the importance of regular school attendance, practicing good behavior and achieving good grades in coursework.
This one-day financial literacy and life skills event is designed to help students understand some of the “realities” involved in preparing for adulthood. At Reality U, students are provided an adult scenario complete with family status, occupation, and net monthly income. During the exercise, students visit a variety of booths to “purchase” housing, transportation, communication services, child-care, food, utilities, insurance, etc. When students see how far their income does or does not stretch, it is a dose of reality. Ultimately, Reality U helps students make a direct connection between the choice of staying in school, success and financial stability in life.
Volunteers will help students create a budget from the 26-year old life they have been given based upon pre-event survey information provided. In this 75-90 minute session, students will visit the different areas of finance they will encounter as adults.